Now a day’s whatever we need we are surfing internet .we are getting everything from pen to plane. Why not music’s? It is absolutely possible. We BUDNET do design and develop web music video portal where we have imbibed millions of world music.
We do design portal with extensive plug-ins incorporation. Our music video portals are designed with refined templates at contrasting combinations of color. We do design our music video portal which predominantly used to evoke emotion or thought in the listener. Music is a soul relaxation for this busy world.
Essence of Music Video Portal
Here in our music video portal you can access to all the music and video item, you can also
- Directly view
- Play
- Download
- Bookmark
- Share
- Rate those based on your priority
Video Albums and Tracks
Video sellers can post their video albums for sale. The can upload any sequence of tracks into an album.
Our Main Features
Audio Albums and Tracks
Music sellers can place their audio albums and tracks on sale to an outsized community. These albums and tracks need to be approved 1st from the administrator before they’re obtainable to the general public
Audio Video Demo
Along with each track and album the sellers could upload a sample demo which may help the consumers to choose an album or track before they ensure their purchase.
Live Audio/Video Streaming
Video track demos uploaded in mp3 format and video tracks in flash format could be viewed in a live stream player with beating amplitutdes.
Our Main Features
Members can add any sequential number of artist profiles they opt and tag those artists to the albums or tracks they sell.
Music Genres
You may create club music genres to any level. It will permit buyers to sell their tracks/albums in the very particular genre rather than tagging it into a more generic level.
Artist Fans Club
This feature adds up a fans community network feature to your portal. Your members can join and enjoy any artist’s fans club whom they like most to prefer. Each fan club has a discussion board and bulletin boards where members can post their comments and communicate between each other.
Music Search
Advanced music search button with multiple filters like name, type, genre and country they survive may helps your members to screen and enjoy the exact track/albums they are looking for.
Mobile Phone/PDA Mode
Now you can auto load BUDNET’S music video portal on your mobile phone/PDA device easily with amazing beeps, new mobile interface. You may now enlarge your sites reach with mobile viewable music. Compete with your running competitors, who may look to take advantage of the new affair inherent in mobile mode, by using Mobile Music Browse feature of the BUDNET Music. Embellish your site mobile compatible just in one click. Mobile music browse is possible with all linguistic languages. All other features like search, music browse, themes etc are also available in the mobile mode.
Album Rating
A member can voluntarily rate any album brought out by other members. Rating will help other visitors/members to choose the best albums from a wide group of collection.
Albums/Tracks Browsing
Users can surf through all albums and tracks in your portal. They can nail down it further based on the origin of the album placing.
User comments
Let you music portal be communicative and active. The member/visitor comments on each album will keep your portal lively and active at most of the time.
Abuse reports
Keep your portal clean and safe. You visitors can now report any abusive albums/tracks they find any inappropriate content for your portal. You can later view all these abuse reports from your admin area and take requisite action.
Purchase Album Tracks Individually
Members may do online shop a complete album or they can choose in the tracks they want to purchase. Sellers can specify the individual track price and the total album price.
Free / Commercial Music Portal
Are you looking to run a free music portal or a commercial one?
Do you want to host a free portal at the beginning and later change it to a commercial portal?
BUDNET Ultimate allows you to do heap between free and commercial modes without affecting any uploaded data. It gives you flexibility over your dynamic and timely needs.
Public/Member Download
Authorized Administrator can make up one’s mind whether to allow your visitors to download the free tracks even before they register/login into your portal.
Any Currency Support
BUDNET design allows you to choose any type of currency you. Let your member’s trade with. You can put together the paypal and currency details from your admin area.
Multiple Themes
Administrator can cope site themes directly from admin area. He can add together multiple themes at a time and users can themselves determine and choose which theme is suited for them. It is a unique feature available in BUDNET Music. It allows you to design new themes from your admin area for the public pages. These themes will be available for the public to choose their desired style. You may add/manage any number of themes easily.
Advanced and Detailed System Statistics
You will be able to view a complete system statistics about the users, sales, profit, audio/video albums and tracks from your admin area. It will help you to track to progress of your portal at any point of time.
Advertisement enabled
Now earn more money with BUDNET adding your ad codes. You can easily add your Google ad sense/other affiliate ad codes to the template files.
PHP development with MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework
BUDNET design is using the corporate MVC style of PHP development, which enhances you to extend/customize the software adding any new feature you want, with minimal maintenance/customization cost.
Easily customizable
BUDNET is conveyed with a modern stylish color front end design. Don’t be satisfied. The entire pages are template driven and it permits you to alter the page to any look and feel that you want.
The Report Module is the vital module of faculty Management System which generates varied reports that includes fee details, administration, library, student details, employee’s details and many a lot of. Knowledge navigates through all modules and the desired reports may be generated by a button click.School Automation Software
The canteen module will subsume the accounting, inventory management and the stuff related to canteen management.
Vendor Management
The seller management module are going to be accustomed manage the list of all the quotation received till date and the contracts awarded till date. It will be a vital tool for the long run purchase of any item required by faculty because the employees can study the previous purchases done